The crisis in ASC today is the result of what God said on 18th December, 2005 "The devil is eyeing to take over ASC, rebuke, resist him in JESUS' NAME" But ASC didn't obey God.
God says - when Albert Vun destroyed the two Altars in ASC he opened up a door for a powerful demon named "So Chai" (mad man) to enter him causing him to destroy the church. More demonic doors were opened when AV. desobeyed God's specific commandments - 1. not to sell land to Freemason 2. to walk, not run.
God says, AV is not sincere in his heart. He lies all the time. He does not know he has been deceived by the devil. That powerful demon inside him is controlling, making him do many many things to ruin, to destroy the church. He did many many things contrary to the will of God - holding two positions, caused many priests / pastors to resign, selling God's land, denying the dead of burial, using fear to control people, wasteful spending of God's money, God reveals that Bishop house is demons infested, demons do not want to be disturbed, Kokol and Celebration Centre are unholy.
God says Yong Thiam Choi, Stella and others who obey AV are actually obeying the demon who gives the instructions. And those following think they serve God, in actual fact they are serving the demon.
Listen, and be warned, whoever you are, whether you are Assistant Bishops, Priests / Pastors, office staff, security guards, PCC, Standing Committes, Ordinary Christians etc, etc - you must repent before God and men and turn from your wicked ways. If not God will spit you out.
Those who attended ASC 7.30am service on 18th December, 2005 must also repent.
Albert Vun, you must repent before God, and before men and turn from your evil and wicked ways. If not God will punish you severely and spit you out.
As your act of repentance, I now command you to appoint Moses Chin to be Dean of ASC, stop denying the dead of burial, cancel Celebration Centre, open Bishop house to parishioners, transfer Yong Thiam Choi and Stella away from Kota Kinabalu, re-instate Clarence Fu and Raymond Chin, cancel Director of projects, stop travelling outside Malaysia for one year, no more selling God's land / Properties, no more larvish spending, thus says the LORD.